Privacy policy
As of June 2024, Swiftbrief ( does not collect any personal or business data from you without you being informed. All data collection is done through explicit forms, such as asking for a demo or signing up for the service, for which we need your contact information. We don't use any third-party services that track you apart from Calendly, and we employ a cookieless analytics solution that is fully-GDPR compliant: Simple Analytics. We will never sell your data to third-parties, and we regularly monitor data security.
Regarding cookies & data storage
Swiftbrief uses basic cookies to store some information about your visits to our website, such as whether you are signed in to the dashboard or not. This helps us provide you with a better experience. Also, our "Free tools" section collects and stores your IP address to limit usage and avoid abuse. This data is used solely for this reason and isn't meant to track you.
Regarding third party integrations
Swiftbrief use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.