Technical SEO Audit Guide for 2024

Learn how to conduct a technical SEO audit in 2024 with our comprehensive guide. Improve your website's performance, crawlability, and rankings.

Stefan Wirth

July 17, 2024

14 minute read

Conducting a technical SEO audit is important for making sure your website meets the latest search engine optimization standards. When you do an audit the right way, it can have a big impact on how your site performs. It helps you rank higher in search engines, makes the experience better for users, and keeps you up-to-date with SEO best practices that are always changing. In this complete guide, we'll go over everything about doing a technical SEO audit. You'll get useful insights and practical steps to optimize your website effectively.


  • A technical SEO audit is crucial for optimizing your website's performance and ensuring it meets search engine standards.
  • Key components include crawlability, indexability, site architecture, internal linking, page speed, and mobile-friendliness.
  • Regularly monitor and maintain SEO health to stay ahead of algorithm updates and technical issues.
  • Utilize tools like Semrush, Google Search Console, and Swiftbrief to streamline the audit process and gain actionable insights.

Introduction to Technical SEO Audits

Alright, so a technical SEO audit is basically when you take a really close look at all the technical parts of your website. The goal is to make sure everything lines up with what search engines want so they can crawl, index, and rank your site. This process helps you find any issues that could be holding back your site's performance and gives you steps to fix them.


Why Technical SEO Audits Matter

Technical SEO audits are a big deal when it comes to optimizing websites for search engines. When you find and fix technical problems, your website performs better, users have a better experience, and you show up more in organic search results. For example, if a page takes forever to load, people are more likely to leave right away and not convert, which hurts your site's SEO.

Frequency of Technical SEO Audits

You should make technical SEO audits a regular part of maintaining your website. The best thing to do is an audit every few months or whenever you see your rankings drop. When you do audits often, you can catch and fix problems early, so your site stays optimized and competitive.

Core Components of a Technical SEO Audit

A full technical site audit looks at a bunch of different parts of a website, from crawlability and indexability to site structure and page speed. Next, we'll go over the core things you need to focus on during an audit.

Crawlability and Indexability

Crawlability and indexability are the foundation of SEO. If search engines can't crawl or index your site, it won't rank. Making sure your site is accessible and indexable is super important for SEO success.

Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file tells search engines which pages to crawl or skip. Make sure this file isn't blocking any important pages. If your robots.txt file is set up wrong, it can stop search engines from indexing important content, which really hurts your site's SEO performance.

According to a "report by Search Engine Land", if the number of indexed pages doesn't match your total number of pages, it could mean you have a penalty or problems with your internal linking structure.

XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap lists all the pages you want search engines to index. Make sure to update and submit your sitemap to search engines regularly so they can find and index all your important pages. A sitemap that's set up right helps search engines understand your site's structure and how the pages are related. Use this technical SEO audit template to create your sitemap.

Site Architecture

A well-structured site makes the user experience better and helps search engines understand the order of your pages. Clear navigation and logical organization are key to a successful technical website audit.

Site Hierarchy

Make sure your site has a logical structure where important pages are easy to get to. Try to have a flat architecture where important pages are no more than three clicks away from the homepage. This approach helps search engines crawl your site more efficiently and makes the user experience better.

URL Structure

URLs should be simple, descriptive, and without any extra parameters. Make sure your URLs are easy to read and include your main keywords. Don't use special characters and keep URLs short to improve both user experience and SEO.

For more detailed insights on optimizing your URLs, visit our "The Ultimate Guide to Mastering SEO Website Audits in 2024". This guide offers comprehensive coverage on various SEO practices, including URL optimization. Use this SEO audit template to optimize your URLs.

Internal Linking

Internal linking spreads link equity across your site, helping search engines understand which pages are most important. A well-planned internal linking strategy can really boost your site's SEO performance. Use this SEO audit checklist to optimize your internal linking.


Broken Links

Broken links lead to a bad user experience and can hurt your site's SEO. Regularly check for and fix broken links to make sure all internal links point to valid pages. This practice helps maintain the integrity of your site's internal linking structure and makes users happier.

Learn more about finding and fixing broken links in our "top keyword clustering tools guide". This guide provides valuable information on maintaining a healthy internal linking structure.

Orphan Pages

Orphan pages aren't linked to from anywhere on your site, making them hard for search engines to find. Make sure all important pages are linked from relevant pages to improve their visibility and SEO performance.

Page Speed and Core Web Vitals

Page speed is a big ranking factor. Core Web Vitals measure the user experience and performance of your site. Improving page speed and optimizing Core Web Vitals can make users happier and boost your site's SEO. Use this technical SEO site audit to optimize page speed and Core Web Vitals.

Page Speed

Slow pages lead to higher bounce rates and lower user satisfaction. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to find slow-loading pages and use optimization techniques like compressing images, browser caching, and minifying CSS and JavaScript.

According to "Google", if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load, the probability of bounce increases by 32%.

Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals include Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). These metrics measure loading performance, interactivity, and visual stability. Use tools like Google Search Console or Semrush to keep track of and optimize these metrics.

Google is transitioning from First Input Delay (FID) to Interaction to Next Paint (INP) as a Core Web Vital in March 2024. "Search Engine Land".


Mobile-first indexing means Google mainly uses the mobile version of your site for ranking and indexing. Making sure your site works fully and is user-friendly on mobile devices is super important for SEO success. Use this technical SEO audit to optimize for mobile.

Mobile Usability

Make sure your site works fully and is user-friendly on mobile devices. Use tools like Google Search Console to find mobile usability issues and follow best practices for responsive design, making sure clickable elements aren't too close together and text is readable without zooming.

As of January 2024, more than half (58.21%) of web traffic happens on mobile devices. "01net".

HTTPS and Security

HTTPS is a ranking signal and makes sure data is transmitted securely between your site and users. Using HTTPS and maintaining a valid SSL certificate is essential for SEO and user trust. Use this technical SEO audit to check HTTPS and security.

SSL Certificate

An SSL certificate encrypts data, providing a secure connection between your site and users. Make sure all pages redirect to the HTTPS version and regularly check for mixed content issues to maintain security and SEO benefits.

Structured Data and Markup

Structured data helps search engines understand the context of your content, leading to better visibility in search results. Using schema markup can make your site look better in SERPs and improve click-through rates. Use this technical SEO audit to optimize structured data and markup.

Schema Markup

Schema markup gives search engines more information about your content. Use tools like Google's Structured Data Markup Helper to create and add schema markup to your site. Regularly test and validate your markup to make sure it doesn't have any errors.

Tools and Techniques for Technical SEO Audits

Using the right tools can make the technical SEO audit process easier, helping you find and fix issues efficiently. Here are some essential tools and techniques for doing a full technical SEO audit.

Semrush Site Audit

Semrush's Site Audit tool helps you find a wide range of technical SEO issues. It gives you insights into crawlability, site structure, page speed, and Core Web Vitals, making it a must-have tool for any SEO pro.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console shows you how Google sees your site. It helps you keep track of indexing status, find crawl errors, and optimize your site's visibility in search results. Regularly checking Google Search Console data is super important for keeping your website healthy.

Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog is a website crawler that finds all kinds of technical SEO issues. It helps you find broken links, analyze site structure, and audit on-page SEO elements. Screaming Frog is a powerful tool for doing in-depth technical SEO audits.


Creating a Technical SEO Audit Report

An effective SEO audit report provides a clear, actionable summary of the issues found and the steps needed to fix them. A well-structured report helps stakeholders understand the current state of the website and the actions required to improve its SEO performance.

Structuring the Report

Organize the report to highlight critical issues first, followed by less urgent ones. Include an executive summary, detailed findings, and actionable recommendations. Use visual aids like graphs, tables, and charts to present data clearly.

For more on structuring your reports, check out our "The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research for Bloggers in 2024". It offers detailed advice on presenting data and creating clear, actionable insights. Use this technical SEO audit checklist to structure your report.

Executive Summary

Provide a brief overview of the audit findings and key recommendations. The executive summary should be concise and highlight the most critical issues and actions required. This section helps stakeholders quickly grasp the audit's main points.

Detailed Findings

Include detailed findings for each identified issue, along with recommended actions. Describe each issue and its potential impact on SEO. Provide clear, actionable steps to resolve each issue, ensuring the report is practical and easy to follow.

Visual Aids

Use visual aids like graphs, tables, and charts to present data clearly. Visual aids help stakeholders understand complex information quickly and make the report more engaging and accessible.

Real-World Application and Case Studies

Applying the principles of a technical SEO audit to real-world scenarios can provide valuable insights and show how effective the audit process is. Here are case studies that showcase successful technical SEO audits and their outcomes.

Case Study: E-commerce Website

An e-commerce website struggled with slow page load times and high bounce rates. After doing a full technical SEO audit, several issues were found and fixed, leading to significant improvements in site performance and rankings.

Issues Identified

The audit revealed several critical issues, including slow page speed due to unoptimized images, broken internal links, and poor mobile usability. The site's structure was also too complex, making it hard for users and search engines to navigate.

Actions Taken

To fix these issues, the following actions were taken:

  • Optimized images and enabled browser caching to improve page speed.
  • Fixed broken links and made sure all internal links pointed to valid pages.
  • Implemented responsive design to enhance mobile usability.
  • Simplified the site structure to improve navigation and crawlability.

Case Study: Blog Website

A blog website faced indexing issues and low organic traffic. Through a technical SEO audit, several critical problems were discovered and resolved, leading to improved search engine visibility and user engagement.

Issues Identified

The audit uncovered issues such as blocked pages in robots.txt, duplicate content, and a lack of internal linking. These problems were preventing search engines from indexing important content and negatively impacting the site's SEO.

Actions Taken

To address these issues, the following actions were taken:

  • Updated robots.txt to allow indexing of all important pages.
  • Resolved duplicate content issues with canonical tags.
  • Improved internal linking structure to enhance crawlability.

Integrating into Your Technical SEO Process offers tools and features that can enhance your technical SEO audit process, making it more efficient and effective. By leveraging Swiftbrief's capabilities, you can streamline your SEO efforts and achieve better results.

Keyword Research and Clustering

Swiftbrief's keyword research and clustering tools help you identify high-potential keywords and organize them into relevant topical groups. This approach improves your site's structure and ensures your content targets the right keywords.

For more on keyword research and clustering, check out our "guide to the best keyword research tools". This guide offers detailed insights into various tools that can aid your SEO efforts.

Content Brief Generation

Swiftbrief's content brief generator creates detailed, SEO-optimized content briefs, streamlining the content creation process. By integrating SEO data, competitor analysis, and tailored guidelines, Swiftbrief helps you produce content that resonates with both search engines and audiences.

Data-Driven Insights

Swiftbrief provides actionable SEO insights, helping you prioritize tasks and make data-driven decisions. By leveraging these insights, you can optimize your site's performance and stay ahead of the competition.

Advanced Technical SEO Audit Techniques

Beyond the basics, advanced technical SEO techniques can further enhance your website's performance and ensure it meets the latest SEO standards. These techniques require deeper analysis and more sophisticated tools.

Log File Analysis

Analyzing log files helps you understand how search engine bots interact with your site, revealing issues that might not be apparent through standard audit tools. Log file analysis provides insights into crawl budget optimization, error detection, and bot behavior.

Benefits of Log File Analysis

Log file analysis offers several benefits, including:

  • Understanding how search engines allocate their crawl budget.
  • Identifying server errors and broken links.
  • Gaining insights into bot behavior and crawl patterns.

International SEO and Hreflang Implementation

For multinational websites, proper hreflang implementation ensures that users are served the correct language and regional version of your site. Implementing hreflang tags can prevent duplicate content issues and improve the user experience for international audiences.

Implementing Hreflang Tags

To implement hreflang tags, follow these steps:

  1. Identify all language and regional versions of your pages.
  2. Add hreflang tags to the HTML head section or include them in your XML sitemap.
  3. Use Google's Hreflang Tags Testing Tool to verify accuracy.

JavaScript SEO

JavaScript can enhance user experience but may pose challenges for search engine crawlers. Proper optimization ensures that content is accessible and indexable, improving your site's SEO performance.

Best Practices for JavaScript SEO

To optimize JavaScript for SEO, consider the following best practices:

  • Ensure core content is accessible without JavaScript (progressive enhancement).
  • Use server-side rendering (SSR) to improve crawlability.
  • Implement lazy loading for images and videos to improve page speed.

Monitoring and Maintaining SEO Health

Regular monitoring and maintenance are crucial to sustaining your website's SEO health and adapting to changes in search engine algorithms. By continuously monitoring your site's performance, you can quickly address issues and stay ahead of the competition.


Continuous Monitoring

Use automated tools to continuously monitor your site's SEO performance and alert you to issues. Tools like Semrush and Google Search Console can schedule regular audits and provide real-time alerts for critical issues such as server downtime or broken links.

Setting Up Alerts

To set up monitoring and alerts:

  1. Use Semrush or Google Search Console to schedule regular site audits.
  2. Configure real-time alerts for critical issues like server downtime or broken links.
  3. Review audit reports and alerts regularly to address any issues promptly.

Adapting to Algorithm Updates

Stay informed about search engine algorithm updates and adjust your SEO strategies accordingly. Following reputable SEO news sources and using tools to track updates can help you stay ahead of changes and maintain your site's performance.

Keeping Up with Updates

To keep up with algorithm updates:

  • Subscribe to industry newsletters and follow SEO blogs.
  • Regularly check tools like Moz's Google Algorithm Change History for updates.
  • Adjust your SEO strategies based on the latest algorithm changes.

Google is transitioning to mobile-first indexing, meaning the mobile version of your site is primarily used for ranking and indexing. "01net".

Building a Custom SEO Roadmap with Swiftbrief offers tailored solutions to help you build an SEO roadmap that aligns with your business goals and strategy. By leveraging Swiftbrief's capabilities, you can create a detailed and actionable SEO plan to achieve your objectives.

Creating a Custom SEO Roadmap

Swiftbrief's custom SEO roadmap service helps you plan and execute your SEO strategy effectively. The process involves an initial consultation, in-depth SEO analysis, roadmap creation, and implementation. This comprehensive approach ensures that your SEO efforts are aligned with your business goals.

Steps to Build a Custom SEO Roadmap

To build a custom SEO roadmap with Swiftbrief:

  1. Initial Consultation: Discuss your business goals, competitors, and current SEO strategy with Swiftbrief experts.
  2. SEO Analysis: Swiftbrief performs an in-depth analysis of your site and competitors.
  3. Roadmap Creation: Receive a detailed SEO roadmap outlining key actions and milestones.
  4. Implementation: Use the roadmap to guide your SEO efforts and track progress.

Benefits of Using Swiftbrief

Swiftbrief simplifies the SEO process by providing data-driven insights, keyword research, and content brief generation. By leveraging these tools, you can streamline your SEO efforts, create targeted content, and achieve better results.

Key Features

Swiftbrief offers several key features that can enhance your SEO strategy:

  • Keyword Research: Identify high-traffic keywords and trending topics.
  • Content Brief Generation: Create detailed, SEO-optimized content briefs.
  • Competitive Analysis: Gain insights into your competitors' strategies.

Learnings Recap

In this guide, we've covered the essential aspects of conducting a technical SEO audit, from core components to advanced techniques and tools. By following these steps and leveraging the right tools, you can optimize your website for better performance and higher rankings.

  • A technical SEO audit is crucial for optimizing your website's performance and ensuring it meets search engine standards.
  • Key components include crawlability, indexability, site architecture, internal linking, page speed, and mobile-friendliness.
  • Regularly monitor and maintain SEO health to stay ahead of algorithm updates and technical issues.
  • Utilize tools like Semrush, Google Search Console, and Swiftbrief to streamline the audit process and gain actionable insights.
  • Advanced techniques like log file analysis, hreflang implementation, and JavaScript SEO can further enhance your site's performance.
  • Swiftbrief offers tailored solutions to help you build a custom SEO roadmap and achieve your business goals.

Final Thoughts

A thorough technical SEO audit is essential for ensuring your website is optimized for search engines and provides a great user experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using the right tools, you can identify and resolve technical issues, improving your site's performance and rankings.'s tailored solutions can further enhance your SEO efforts, helping you achieve data-driven content success and maintaining a healthy, optimized website.

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